American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY
American Quarter Horse Klacz 12 lat 152 cm Ciemnokasztanowata in Cody, WY



Zapamiętane 1 razy

GINGER 12 Yr old 15hh Chestnut AQHA Mare

Oferta na aukcji
Needmore, PA 17238 Stany Zjednoczone
+1 (0)717... pokaż



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Więcej informacji

American Quarter Horse, nazywany również Quarter Horse, pochodzi z USA i jest najbardziej rozpowszechnioną rasą koni na świecie. Na całym świecie zarejestrowanych jest około 4,6 miliona Quarter Horse’ów. Rasa powstała w XVII wieku, kiedy bogaci plantatorzy z Wirginii i Karoliny postanowili dohodować ... Więcej o rasie koni American Quarter Horse
12 lat
152 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse

jest koniem do towarzystwa (ograniczona użytkowość)

jest pewny w terenie

jest wszechstronny (allrounder)


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MCNABB LIVESTOCK'S ✨ 307 Spring Special ✨ Happening now thru MONDAY | MARCH 31ST - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website!

For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com

CONSIGNOR CONTACT: McNabb Livestock LLC 307-250-0900
LOCATION: Cody, Wyoming
REGISTERED NAME: Gunnacee Your Trash
COLOR: Chestnut
AGE: 12

Gunnacee Your Trash is a 2012 AQHA Chestnut mare, 15 hands tall. We call her Ginger. She’s a gorgeous mare who is an NRHA money earner, a ranch horse, kids horse and a trail horse who is a daughter of the legendary reining horse Gunnastrashya (Lifetime Earnings: $236,457 Sire Earnings: $16 Million+. NRHA HALL OF FAME NRHA FUTURITY CHAMPION SIRE) and out of a daughter of Topsail Cody (NRHA Hall of Fame & Million Dollar Sire). With impeccable bloodlines, excellent conformation, smooth movement and excellent disposition she is a classy horse and truly a real gem. Ginger is one that has built confidence, taught riders advanced maneuvers and taken care of the kids. We loaned her to Ken McNabb for students to ride during a 3 week clinic where they earned their master certification on her. She also went through his Trail Rider University where students build confidence and learn how to safely navigate all obstacles out on the trail. Everyone loves Ginger, she is kind and personable. Ginger is friendly and in-your-pocket, she has excellent ground manners and is respectful even with the youngest handler. Ginger has done all the ranch chores, she’s a handy partner in any job you need done. You can give her time off and she’s the same horse every time you rider her whether its in the hottest days of the summer or the coldest days of winter. Ride her every day or once a month she doesn’t give you any hassle. She has no vices or bad habits. She is not mare-ish. Ginger is good for the vet and stands well for the farrier. She is up to date on worming, vaccinations, dental and farrier. She comes with her vet and dental records. We had a basic PPE done and we welcome you to do your own PPE. Ginger does have a scar on her right forearm. It does not affect her. We also welcome you to come to the ranch and meet Ginger. She has a current coggins and all paperwork will be order for her to travel to her new home. Whether you’re looking for a loyal trail horse or a finished Reiner to show Ginger has the talent and versatility to do it all. We also are glad to help arrange transportation as we have a list of reliable haulers we can coordinate with. For more information give us a call at 307-250-0900.



Cody, WY 82414, Wyoming
Stany Zjednoczone

Needmore, PA 17238
Stany Zjednoczone
Strona: horsebidllc

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Needmore, PA 17238
Stany Zjednoczone

