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Charly 12 Yr old 13hh Sorrel Quarter Pony Gelding
Oferta na aukcji
ID ogłoszenia: 4298705
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń aukcyjny
Data wstawienia: 09.12.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 2399
jest koniem do towarzystwa (ograniczona użytkowość)
nadaje się jako koń szkółkowy
jest pewny w terenie
jest wszechstronny (allrounder)
- Niemiecki
- Włoski
- Polski
- Holenderski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Angielski
♦️ IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS ♦️ Happening now thru TUESDAY | DECEMBER 10th - Available EXCLUSIVELY on PonyBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.PonyBid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Rancho la laguna 915-407-37-13 LOCATION: Joshua tx BREED: Quarter horse REGISTERED: No COLOR: Sorrel HEIGHT: 13 AGE: 12 GENDER: Gelding “Charly” is cool ranchy kids pony. He stands 13hh and is a dark sorrel. “Charly”loves cruising the sandhills and patrolling the neighborhood trails with all the kids. He’s good with other horses, dogs and traffic. He has no spook or scare. He’s good in the bridle, necks reins, & he’s one handed broke- this guy will lope a circle in the palm of your hand. He’s more fun than a Ride-On car and will even pull your kids power wheels when their batteries die! He’s got a big dark, kind eye and the “in your pocket type.” He’s gentle for all the kids, from smallest to the largest. He aims to please and as a pleasure to own, he does all the things you’d expect-ties, bathes, loads and shoes easily. He’s also been an every day trooper working on the ranch doing chores and been at the roping’s pushing cattle up. Great as a step up or a step down pony, he will go anywhere you choose at any pace you’d please. ‘Charly’is the type you keep and show off when your friends come to town. Don’t miss him, because there’s just one ‘Charly.’

Strona: horsebidllc
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