Zapamiętane 2 razy
Beautiful stallion palomino
10.000 € do 15.000 €
~46.044 zł do 69.060 zł
ID ogłoszenia: 4406137
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
Data wstawienia: 24.03.2025
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 267
- Angielski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Włoski
- Polski
- Holenderski
- Niemiecki
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Schönes spanisches Pferd Dieser Hengst ist ein wirklich schöner PRE mit vollen Papieren (ANCCE), er dreht in wenigen Monaten in 3yo, er kommt von den Feldern. Größe : 1.64cm (er wächst). Er hat schöne Gänge für Dressur oder Show. Mehr Info bitte kontaktieren Sie uns (+34)657314412. Folge/uns ... Instagram/Tiktok/Facebook/Youtube Wir organisieren Vetcheck, Transport usw..
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Beautiful Spanish Horse This stallion is a really handsome PRE with full papers (ANCCE), he turn in few months in 3yo, he comes from the fields. Size : 1.64cm (he is growing). He have nice gaits for dressage or show. More info please contact/us (+34)657314412. Follow/us .. Instagram/Tiktok/Facebook/Youtube We organize vetcheck, transport etc..
Beautiful Spanish Horse This stallion is a really handsome PRE with full papers (ANCCE), he turn in few months in 3yo, he comes from the fields. Size : 1.64cm (he is growing). He have nice gaits for dressage or show. More info please contact/us (+34)657314412. Follow/us .. Instagram/Tiktok/Facebook/Youtube We organize vetcheck, transport etc..
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Beau cheval espagnol Cet étalon est un très beau PRE avec des papiers complets (ANCCE), il tourne dans quelques mois à 3 ans, il vient des champs. Taille : 1.64cm (il grandit). Il a de belles allures pour le dressage ou l'exposition. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez nous contacter (+34)657314412. Suivez-nous ... Instagram/Tiktok/Facebook/Youtube Nous organisons le vetcheck, le transport etc...

Strona: alexmagichorse
Konie ujeżdżeniowe
Konie barokowe
Konie pokazowe
Konie o chodach specjalnych
Working Equitation
Koń oldenburski
Więcej informacji
Alex Andalusian Horses - Your trusted agent to buy the horse of your dream Trainer / Rider / Trainer / Internship Follow-me on Instagram /Facebook/Tiktok and Youtube! Dressage/High School Training/Liberty Barock horse / Special Color / Foals Whatsapp..+34657314412 We have more 100 horses available in Spain !!We choose our horses in person We organize vetcheck, transport and quarantine!!
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