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Chloe- Surefooted Molly Mule!
Oferta na aukcji
ID ogłoszenia: 4406675
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń aukcyjny
Data wstawienia: 27.03.2025
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 225
jest pewny w terenie
- Niemiecki
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- Polski
- Holenderski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Angielski
"AVAILABLE ON ONLINE HORSE AUCTION AT www DOT MagicHorseAuction DOT com BIDDING OPEN NOW thru TUESDAY | April 1st...BUY IT NOW AVAILABLE!! *Final price will be determined on auction site* CONSIGNOR CONTACT INFO: Dylan Landon 765-553-2526 LOCATION: Van Horne, IA Chloe is a 13-year-old, 14.2hh Molly mule. She is a 'been there, done that' kind of girl! Chloe will trail ride or ride in the arena at a walk, trot, and lope. She crosses water, bridges, logs, and thick terrain. Chloe will lead the group or happily follow. She has an honest one-hand neck rein. Take her down the trail or to town; Chloe is safe and sure-footed as they come. She saddles up quietly. Chloe is good with her feet. She is usually kept barefoot but has been shod at times in the past. Chloe loads herself on the trailer and is very easy to haul. She will stand tied to the trailer, hitching rail, or high line. Chloe is traffic, farm machinery, and dog safe! She is easy to catch and has an 'in your pocket' personality. Clean in a stall and turns out well in a mixed herd! Sound and current on all care. Chloe will make a great mule for any family. Please reach out to Dylan for more information! (765)553-2527."

Strona: magic-horse
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