Zapamiętane 2 razy
7.000 $
~ 30.260 zł
ID ogłoszenia: 4151337
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
Data wstawienia: 26.07.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 4744
nadaje się jako koń szkółkowy
nadaje się do hipoterapii
nadaje się dla początkujących
jest pewny w terenie
jest wszechstronny (allrounder)
łatwy w załadunku
dostępny TÜV
nauczony prowadzenia na kantarze
bezproblemowy przy kowalu
nadaje się dla dzieci
- Niemiecki
- Włoski
- Polski
- Holenderski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Angielski
WWW. CLASSICHORSEAUCTION. COM THIS HOSE IS LOCATED Parkhills, MO BUY NOW PRICE 7000 CURRENT BID 3500 To view health docs, see consignor’s info, how to schedule a meeting to try it out, visit our site… https://classichorseauction.com/auctions/parker/ FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/xCb-umcIXyA Here’s your versatile gelding everyone looks for! Parker has a kind eye, stout built, great mind and a better personality! Parker is an 8-year-old Missouri Fox trotter gelding standing 14.2 hands tall! He stands for the mounting block or EVEN BETTER….. he parks out on command! Parker is an absolute trailblazer! From steep slopes, water, mud, rocky terrain and more…. Parker handles is all with ease and confidence! He is sure-footed, takes amazing care of his riders from all ages, and confidently goes wherever he is pointed! Parker has a smooth gait or will simply walk with a loose rein! He is traffic, livestock, and wildlife safe! He neck reins, stays soft in the bridle, stops, and backs all with ease. He will neck rein or direct reins, whichever the rider prefers! No matter the setting, Parker is always calm and quiet! He has seen tons of wildlife, farm equipment, livestock, and pets. He stalls great or catches you in the field! Camping is a breeze as he also picket lines quietly and gets along with everyone! You can turn him out, and he will always be the same horse! Parker trailers great, stands for the farrier, tacking, bathing, mounting, and clipping! He is a barn favorite and a pleasure to be around. If you have any questions about Parker. Parkhills, MO EMILY 6155424564 Nationwide Shipping Assistance Available Classic Horse Auction 931-224-2968

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