Zapamiętane 4 razy
3.500 $
~ 15.130 zł
ID ogłoszenia: 4045748
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
Data wstawienia: 08.05.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 5001
jest koniem do towarzystwa (ograniczona użytkowość)
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jest wszechstronny (allrounder)
łatwy w załadunku
dostępny TÜV
nauczony prowadzenia na kantarze
- Niemiecki
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- Angielski
WWW.CLASSICHORSEAUCTION.COM THIS HOSE IS LOCATED Tyner, KY *** CURRENT BID IS 3500 **** BUY NOW PRICE AVAILABLE To view health docs, see consignor’s info, how to schedule a meeting to try it out, visit our site… https://classichorseauction.com/auctions/trigger-4/ VIDEO>> https://youtu.be/xv29RE7Tp6U Blizzards Cupid aka Trigger is a beautiful 10 year old registered Missouri Fox Trotter gelding. Trigger is probably one of the smoothest horses you will ever ride. Trigger transitions great from a canter to an awesome 4 beat gait. Trigger trail rides great and goes where ask. I will say if you know how to ride he is no trouble to ride but isn’t a horse for everyone, Trigger is not the loving kind of horse that likes attention, he is snorty meaning when you go in a stall to catch him he will snort which would worry some people but he don’t do anything other than that, I have a personal horse that my daughter has had for around 10 years that does the same thing I’m just trying to tell it like it is. Trigger is a blast to ride does great in the trails, creeks, mountains, and mud puddles. As you can see in the video if you know how to ride you can ride him. Feel free to call with any questions that you might have about Trigger. Good luck and happy bidding!!! Tyner, KY EMILY ELGIN 615-542-4564 Nationwide Shipping Assistance Available Classic Horse Auction 931-224-2968

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