Kuc walijski sekcji C Wałach 9 lat 129 cm Kasztanowata in Bunnik
Kuc walijski sekcji C Wałach 9 lat 129 cm Kasztanowata in Bunnik
Kuc walijski sekcji C Wałach 9 lat 129 cm Kasztanowata in Bunnik
Kuc walijski sekcji C Wałach 9 lat 129 cm Kasztanowata in Bunnik
Kuc walijski sekcji C Wałach 9 lat 129 cm Kasztanowata in Bunnik



Zapamiętane 9 razy

10.000 €
~ 46.040 zł
Ogłoszeniodawca standardowy
3981HA Bunnik
+31 (0)63... pokaż



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Więcej informacji

Kuce walijskie sekcji C są kucami walijskimi w typie coba. Jest to mniejsza wersja welsh coba, która powstała ze skrzyżowania pierwotnego Powys coba i walijskiego kuca górskiego. Wcześniej kuc walijski sekcji C był użytkowany w Wielkiej Brytanii przeważanie jako koń juczny lub zaprzęgowy. Dziś ciesz ... Więcej o rasie koni Kuc walijski sekcji C
9 lat
129 cm
Hunter pod siodłem


  • Angielski
  • Włoski
  • Holenderski
  • Polski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Niemiecki
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uch wenn wir ihn am liebsten selbst im Stall behalten hätten, ist unser goldener King Arthur bereit, in ein 5* Zuhause umzuziehen. Er ist der geborene Anführer und mit seinem ruhigen und freundlichen Charakter erobert er die Herzen aller. Er wurde vom Züchter als Dreijähriger verkauft und blieb dann 5 Jahre lang bei demselben Besitzer und war immer ein Familienpony

 King ist eine wunderschöne Erscheinung mit seinen weißen Füßen und ist sowohl klinisch als auch röntgenologisch zu 100% gesund. Er liebt es, verwöhnt zu werden und ist sowohl im Umgang als auch unter dem Sattel sehr gut erzogen und geschult und daher für die ganz Kleinen geeignet

Geburtsdatum: 20-06-2016
 Geschlecht: Wallach
Größe: Mittelgroß (13,0 H)
Zuchtbuch: Welsh-Pony (Cob-Typ) (Sektion C)
Standort: Utrecht, Holland

 Möchten Sie mehr über diesen Herren erfahren? https://www.huntersfromholland.com/news/2098148_now-for-sale-king-arthur
Ten tekst został przetłumaczony automatycznie.
ven though we would have preferred to keep him in the stable ourselves, our golden King Arthur is ready to move for a 5* home. He is a born leader and with his calm and friendly character he steals everyone's heart. He was sold by the breeder as a three-year-old and then stayed with the same owner for 5 years and has always been a family pony.

 King is a beautiful appearance with his white feet and is 100% healthy, both clinically and radiologically. He loves to be pampered and is very well behaved and schooled in both handling and under saddle and is therefore suitable for the very little ones.

Date of birth: 20-06-2016
 Gender: Gelding
Height: Medium (13.0 H)
Studbook: Welsh pony (Cob Type) (Section C)
Location: Utrecht, Holland

 Want to know more about this gentlemen? https://www.huntersfromholland.com/news/2098148_now-for-sale-king-arthur
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Anche se avremmo preferito tenerlo noi stessi nella stalla, il nostro Re Artù dorato è pronto a trasferirsi in una casa a 5*. È un leader nato e con il suo carattere calmo e amichevole ruba il cuore di tutti. È stato venduto dall'allevatore quando aveva tre anni e poi è rimasto con lo stesso proprietario per 5 anni ed è sempre stato un pony di famiglia.

 King ha un aspetto bellissimo con i suoi piedi bianchi ed è sano al 100%, sia dal punto di vista clinico che radiologico. Ama essere coccolato ed è molto ben educato e istruito sia nel maneggio che sotto sella ed è quindi adatto ai più piccoli.

Data di nascita: 20-06-2016
 Sesso: Castrato
Altezza: Media (13.0 H)
Libro genealogico: Pony Gallese (Tipo Cob) (Sezione C)
Luogo: Utrecht, Olanda

 Volete saperne di più su questo signore? https://www.huntersfromholland.com/news/2098148_now-for-sale-king-arthur
ven though we would have preferred to keep him in the stable ourselves, our golden King Arthur is ready to move for a 5* home. He is a born leader and with his calm and friendly character he steals everyone's heart. He was sold by the breeder as a three-year-old and then stayed with the same owner for 5 years and has always been a family pony 

 King is a beautiful appearance with his white feet and is 100% healthy, both clinically and radiologically. He loves to be pampered and is very well behaved and schooled in both handling and under saddle and is therefore suitable for the very little ones 

Date of birth: 20-06-2016
 Gender: Gelding
Height: Medium (13.0 H)
Studbook: Welsh pony (Cob Type) (Section C)
Location: Utrecht, Holland 

 Want to know more about this gentlemen?  https://www.huntersfromholland.com/news/2098148_now-for-sale-king-arthur


Ogłoszeniodawca standardowy
3981HA Bunnik

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Ogłoszeniodawca standardowy
3981HA Bunnik

