Kuc polo Klacz 6 lat in Waldshut-Tiengen
Kuc polo Klacz 6 lat in Waldshut-Tiengen
Kuc polo Klacz 6 lat in Waldshut-Tiengen
Kuc polo Klacz 6 lat in Waldshut-Tiengen
Kuc polo Klacz 6 lat in Waldshut-Tiengen
Kuc polo Klacz 6 lat in Waldshut-Tiengen
Kuc polo Klacz 6 lat in Waldshut-Tiengen
+1 Zdjęcia

Poloponys für jedes Level

Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
ID ogłoszenia: 4197093
Data wstawienia: 01.09.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy : 591
Reklama odnotowana: 1
22.000 CHF
~ 104.844 zł do negocjacji
Ogłoszeniodawca standardowy
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen
Skontaktuj się
r Zgłoś

Więcej informacji

Po tym, jak środkowoazjatycki sport polo stał się bardziej popularny w Europie i Ameryce, w Argentynie rozpoczęto nawet hodowlę specjalnie nadających się do tego koni. W tym celu skrzyżowano miejscowe konie Criollo z koniem pełnej krwi angielskiej. Ta nowa rasa wyróżnia się przede wszystkim wspaniał ... Więcej o rasie koni Kuc polo
6 lat


  • Angielski
  • Włoski
  • Polski
  • Szwedzki
  • Holenderski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Niemiecki
ild 1:
7 years 
Mallet 51
Perfect for women, great mouth and easy ride 
Played this season with -2 player and works great for low goal, however does not have the speed to play high goal tournaments

Bild 2:
6 years old
Perfect for women, children and beginners 
50-51 mallet 
Sweetest and calmest pony with a surprising ability to play. As a 0 goaler even I enjoy playing tournaments with her, this season she played mostly with a -2 lady. Very beautiful criollo type pony

Bild 3:
6 years 
51 mallet
Amazing mouth, would suit any player as super easy and incredible temperament. She’s not the strongest in a ride off but certainly the first to turn. Works great for women, children, beginners but also for more advanced patrons.

Bild 4:
6 years
Mallet 52
Amazing horse that will take any player, beginner or advanced to the next level. Tremendous mouth, strong ride off and suitable for any kind of polo. One of the strings favorite as super capable but easy enough for a beginner.

Bild 5:
10 years 
Mallet 52
Great horse for a patron or pro. Can be a bit fresh at the beginning of the season, but once in training she is tremendous for a playing patron or pro and will be anyone’s favorite. Has played up to 14 goal with an amazing ride off and always gives 100% in each game. She’s not a fan of S&B.

Please DM for more informations
Ten tekst został przetłumaczony automatycznie.
Figure 1:
7 years
Mallet 51
Perfect for women, great mouth and easy ride
Played this season with -2 player and works great for low goal, however does not have the speed to play high goal tournaments

Picture 2:
6 years old
Perfect for women, children and beginners
50-51 mallet
Sweetest and calmest pony with a surprising ability to play. As a 0 goaler even I enjoy playing tournaments with her, this season she played mostly with a -2 lady. Very beautiful criollo type pony

Picture 3:
6 years
51 mallet
Amazing mouth, would suit any player as super easy and incredible temperament. She's not the strongest in a ride off but certainly the first to turn. Works great for women, children, beginners but also for more advanced patrons.

Picture 4:
6 years
Mallet 52
Amazing horse that will take any player, beginner or advanced to the next level. Tremendous mouth, strong ride off and suitable for any kind of polo. One of the strings favorite as super capable but easy enough for a beginner.

Picture 5:
10 years
Mallet 52
Great horse for a patron or pro. Can be a bit fresh at the beginning of the season, but once in training she is tremendous for a playing patron or pro and will be anyone's favorite. Has played up to 14 goal with an amazing ride off and always gives 100% in each game. She's not a fan of S&B.

Please DM for more informations


Ogłoszeniodawca standardowy
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen

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* Te pola muszą zostać wypełnione

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Ogłoszeniodawca standardowy
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen
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