Zapamiętane 7 razy
Oferta na aukcji
ID ogłoszenia: 4405775
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń aukcyjny
Data wstawienia: 24.03.2025
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 296
- Angielski
- Włoski
- Holenderski
- Polski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Niemiecki
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https://youhorse.auction/en/auction/Easterborn-ELDORADO-VAN-DE-ZESHOEK-x-BODINUS Der achtjährige Easterborn verfügt über Turniererfahrung auf 1,20m-Niveau und zeichnet sich durch seine Vielseitigkeit und seinen ehrlichen Charakter aus. Seinem Reiter wird er viel Freude bereiten. Der Vater Eldorado van de Zeshoek, der bis 1,60 m Grand Prix geht, bringt fantastische Springpferde hervor. Berühmte Nachkommen sind zum Beispiel die Aachen- und Calgary-Siegerin Killer Queen, Elektric Blue P, Jeunesse und die KWPN-Hengste Grandorado TN und Highway TN. Die Mutter Grace Kelly ist über Bodinus eine Enkelin von Padinus (Heartbreaker). Großmutter Chica ist von Marlon x Indoctro.
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https://youhorse.auction/en/auction/Easterborn-ELDORADO-VAN-DE-ZESHOEK-x-BODINUS The eight-year-old Easterborn has show experience at 1.20m level and stands out for his scope and honest character. He will bring a lot of joy to his rider. Sire Eldorado van de Zeshoek, performing at 1.60m Grand Prix level, produces fantastic showjumping horses. Famous offspring are for example Aachen and Calgary winner Killer Queen, Elektric Blue P, Jeunesse and the KWPN stallions Grandorado TN and Highway TN. Dam Grace Kelly is via Bodinus a granddaughter of Padinus (Heartbreaker). Granddam Chica is by Marlon x Indoctro.
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https://youhorse.auction/en/auction/Easterborn-ELDORADO-VAN-DE-ZESHOEK-x-BODINUS Il pasquale di otto anni ha esperienza di show a livello di 1,20 m e si distingue per la sua portata e il suo carattere onesto. Porterà molta gioia al suo cavaliere. Il padre Eldorado van de Zeshoek, che si esibisce a livello di Grand Prix da 1,60 m, produce fantastici cavalli da salto ostacoli. Famosi figli sono, ad esempio, il vincitore di Aachen e Calgary Killer Queen, Elektric Blue P, Jeunesse e gli stalloni KWPN Grandorado TN e Highway TN. La madre Grace Kelly proviene da Bodinus, una nipote di Padinus (Heartbreaker). La nonna Chica è di Marlon x Indoctro.
https://youhorse.auction/en/auction/Easterborn-ELDORADO-VAN-DE-ZESHOEK-x-BODINUS The eight-year-old Easterborn has show experience at 1.20m level and stands out for his scope and honest character. He will bring a lot of joy to his rider. Sire Eldorado van de Zeshoek, performing at 1.60m Grand Prix level, produces fantastic showjumping horses. Famous offspring are for example Aachen and Calgary winner Killer Queen, Elektric Blue P, Jeunesse and the KWPN stallions Grandorado TN and Highway TN. Dam Grace Kelly is via Bodinus a granddaughter of Padinus (Heartbreaker). Granddam Chica is by Marlon x Indoctro.

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