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WILLIE 5 Yr old 15hh Bay Friesian Cross Gelding
Oferta na aukcji
ID ogłoszenia: 4288909
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń aukcyjny
Data wstawienia: 01.12.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 2581
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⚜️ The Horseman's Showcase ⚜️ Happening now thru MONDAY | DECEMBER 2nd - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Masters Equine 330-464-9758 LOCATION: Orrville, OH BREED: Friesian Cross REGISTERED: No COLOR: Bay HEIGHT: 15 AGE: 5 GENDER: Gelding Watch his video, and you will see why we have enjoyed having Willy around! Willy has done and can do a little bit of everything- ride him english one day, western the next or take him for a nice, relaxing sunday drive. He has been in the same family for the past 3 years and has been trained by a 10 year old boy who has done a stand up job with him. We can confidently say he is road safe, as he was used as a school pony and driven back and forth to school daily. He has seen plenty of road traffic: including semis, heavy equipment, deer, etc. He has been on numerous moonlight rides (ridden single and double), driven into town, and has done just about everything a kid can show one. His go-with-the-flow disposition and willing personality makes our job easy! We love how he always carries a nice expression on his face - with a kind, soft eye and ears forward, waiting patiently for your next request. Willy has a nice extended stride at the long trot, or will slow it down for a jog. He has been ridden bridleless and works nicely off your seat and leg cues. He is the perfect size for a rider with bad knees, as he is easy to get on and off, and stocky enough to carry a wide variety of riders. He rides with the same integrity every time you get on his back. If you are looking for a horse to enjoy, ride in the arena, down the trail, and have a companion- look no further. Willy has the elegance of a Friesian and stockiness of a Draft cross - with a big foot, bone, and shape. He is sure-footed outside, carefully placing his feet to take care of his rider in any situation. Willy stands quietly on a tie line, cross ties, ground ties, and quiet as a church mouse on the trailer. We realize the video of tacking up is rather extensive, but we wanted to showcase how patient he is with the kids. This gelding has been nothing short of a pleasure to work with since he stepped foot on our property. No matter what direction you want to go, this phenomenal gelding will be sure to take you there. He has all the buttons: side pass, turn around, leg yield, but just as easily-point and go. Gentle, flashy and broke, with unlimited potential!

Strona: horsebidllc
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