
Zapamiętane 3 razy

Color Lady: Casall (Holst) - Cassini I (Holst)

Oferta na aukcji
Holsteiner Verband Vermarktungs- und Auktions GmbH
25336 Elmshorn Niemcy
+49 (0)16... pokaż



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Koń holsztyński to rasa koni ze Szlezwiku-Holsztynu w Niemczech. Jest to jedna z najważniejszych i nieodzownych ras w niemieckiej hodowli koni gorącokrwistych. W średniowieczu holsztyn był ciężkim koniem roboczym, który aż do czasu drugiej wojny światowej był użytkowany w kawalerii i jako koń pociąg ... Więcej o rasie koni Koń holsztyński
3 lat
168 cm

jest surowy


  • Włoski
  • Polski
  • Angielski
  • Holenderski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Niemiecki
Casall ASK (Casall) (Holst, 1999, bay, stallion by Caretino) HLR 135 - Approved for: Holst, sBs, SF, SI, SWB - 19 wins - 78 placings @ Level 1.60m - Rolf-Göran Bengtsson (SWE) and 1 win - 17 placings @ 1.55m
1st CSI5* GCT/GCL 2017 Hamburg (GER) (1.60m); 1st CSI5* GCT/GCL 2016 Doha (QAT) (1.60m); 1st CSI5* GCT/GCL 2016 Valkenswaard (NED) (1.60m) ETC...
Sire of: Chesall Zimequest - Level 1.60m;  Casello - Level 1.65m;  Caracas - Level 1.65m
1st dam:
Dörte M (Holst, 2011, bay, mare by Cassini I)
dam of 5 horses, 1 sport horse
Dida M (Holst, 2015, grey, mare by Dinken) 1 win - 4 placings @ Level 1.30m - Vilma Edberg (SWE) 1st - 2021 Langwedel (GER) Nat. (1.30m)
Color Lady (Holst, 2022, bay, mare by Casall ASK)
2nd dam:
Pretty Woman (Holst, 2000, bay, mare by Lordanos)
dam of 12 horses, 8 Sport horses
Curacao II (Holst, 2004, grey, gelding by Carpalo) HLR 90 - 1 placing @ Level 1.55m - Steffi Theiler (CHE) and 1 placing @ 1.50m 5th - 2015 Galgenen (SUI) - Nat. (1.55m); 5th - 2014 Porrentruy (SUI) - Nat. (1.50m); 7th CSI3* 2019 Gorla Minore (ITA) (1.50m) ETC...
Quanita (Holst, 2005, bay, mare by Quintero ASK (Quintero Z)) HLR 81 - 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - João Marquilhas (PRT) and 7 placings @ 1.45m
Quirosa (Holst, 2006, dark bay, mare by Quintero ASK (Quintero Z)) HLR 92 - 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Vince Jarmy (HUN) and 4 placings @ 1.50m 6th CSI2*-W 2016 Leszno (POL) (1.60m); 10th CSI2*-W 2017 Budapest (HUN) (1.60m); 3rd Göteborg (SWE) 2017 CH-EU-S (1.50m) ETC...
Calordo (Holst, 2007, bay, gelding by Cassaro Z) Level 1.45m - Emily Sumeray (USA)
Annegrete (Holst, 2008, bay, mare by Cassaro Z)
Conners Boy M (Holst, 2013, dark bay, gelding by Connor) Level 1.45m - Alexandre Chiappetta de Azevedo (BRA) and 1 win - 1 placing @ 1.40m 1st Desert Circuit VIII 2021 Thermal, CA (USA) - Nat. (1.40m) ETC...
Gina M (Holst, 2014, bay, mare by Crunch 3) HR 54p - 1 placing @ Level 1.50m - Benjamin Wulschner (DEU) and 2 placings @ 1.45m 5th - 2023 Scharnebeck (GER) - Nat. (1.50m); 10th - 2023 Scharnebeck (GER) - Nat. (1.50m) ETC...
Lady Bois Margot M (Holst, 2018, chestnut, mare by Qlassic Bois Margot) HR 29p - Level 1.25m - Sandra Auffarth (DEU)
Cassitaro (Holst, 2015, chestnut, stallion by Casaltino) HR 54p - Approved for: Holst - € 857 - 1 placing @ Level 1.45m - Edoardo Ingrà (ITA) and 2 placings @ 1.40m 1st A3* 2025 Bedizzole (ITA) - Nat (1.35m) ETC...
Coco Rocha (Holst, 2009, grey, mare by Clarimo ASK) HLR 56 - 1 placing @ Level 1.50m - Simon Delestre (FRA) and 1 placing @ 1.45m 8th CSI5* 2019 Windsor (GBR) (1.50m); 3rd CSIO5* 2019 Rome (ITA) (1.45m); 1st CSI2* 2023 Nancy (FRA) (1.35m) ETC...
Dörte M (Holst, 2011, bay, mare by Cassini I) : see above
Adagia 3 (Holst, 2015, dark bay, mare by Adagio de Talma) HR 42 - Level 1.35m - Hilary Ann Seidler (GBR) and 1 win - 10 placings @ 1.30m 1st - 2023 Darmstadt-Kranichstein (GER) - Nat. (1.30m) ETC...
Lady Lanze (Holst, 2016, bay, mare by Lamaze) Level 1.30m - Chantal Rödel (DEU) and 1 placing @ 1.20m
Lady Unlimited M (Holst, 2018, light bay, mare by Unlimited) HR 31p - Level 1.25m - Christian Roth (DEU)
3rd dam:
Isere (Holst, 1994, bay, mare by Acord II (Acord 2))
dam of 8 horses, 2 Sport horses
Larson (Holst, 1999, bay, stallion by Lordanos) Approved for: Old, OS, Westf - Level 1.45m - Heiner Rohmann (DEU)
Pretty Woman (Holst, 2000, bay, mare by Lordanos) : see above
Condor (Holst, 2006, bay, stallion by Contender) HLR 40 - Level 1.50m - Maximilien Lemercier (FRA) and 1 placing @ 1.40m 1st CSI3* 2015 St Lô (FRA); 1st CSI2* 2015 Dunkerque (FRA); 1st CSI2* 2014 Dunkerque (FRA) ETC...
Ann (Holst, 2008, dark bay, mare by Larimar)
Coronado Blue NF (Holst, 2012, bay, gelding by Connor) 1 win - 1 placing @ Level 1.40m - Thomas Rebotton (FRA) and 5 wins - 14 placings @ 1.35m 1st Desert Holiday IV 2021 Thermal, CA (USA) - Nat. (1.40m); 1st Desert Holiday I 2021 Thermal, CA (USA) - Nat. (1.35m); 1st Sunshine Series I 2021 Thermal, CA (USA) - Nat. (1.35m) ETC...
Bisere (Holst, 2009, bay, mare by Larimar)
Sue 79 (DSP (ZWEIB), 2017, bay, stallion by Superior) Level 1.30m - Anke Harz (DEU)
El Cayada (Holst, 2012, grey, mare by Cayado)
Diamantado (Daydream) (Holst, 2020, grey, stallion by Diamant de Semilly) Approved for: Holst
4th dam:
U-Classic (Urania V) (Holst, 1982, grey, mare by Cor de la Bryère (Corso)) Level 1.40m - Hans-Werner Peters (DEU)
dam of 5 horses, 1 sport horse
Loretta 99 (A-Loretta) (Holst, 1986, bay, mare by Lorenz)
Nanci 2 (Holst, 1998, bay, mare by Acord II)
Pensilvania (Santa Fe II) (Holst, 2002, dark bay, mare by Contendro I) Level 1.50m - Frank Plock (DEU) and 1 placing @ 1.30m
Hepburn (Holst, 1993, bay, mare by Acord II) 1 win @ Level 1.40m - Dirk Ahlmann (DEU) 1st CSIO3* 2001 Helsinki (FIN) (1.40m)
Serenata (Holst, 2002, dark bay, mare by Acobat II)
Quinta 84 (W Classic) (Holst, 2006, bay, mare by Quite Capitol) 1 placing @ Level 1.40m - Marcelo Galan (MEX) and 1 placing @ 1.25m
Toronto II (Holst, 2003, bay, mare by Canturo)
Nero HS (Holst, 2013, dark bay, gelding by Numero Uno) 1 win - 1 placing @ Level 1.40m - Daniela Winkels (DEU) and 2 placings @ 1.30m
Halina HS (Holst, 2015, bay, mare by Numero Uno) Level 1.40m - Anna-Clara Pettersson (SWE)
Damien (Holst, 2017, bay, stallion by Numero Uno) € 42 - Level 1.20m - Tina Lund (DNK) and 2 wins - 3 placings @ 1.15m
Canterbury (Holst, 2008, bay, stallion by Canturo) Approved for: Old, RPS
Isere (Holst, 1994, bay, mare by Acord II (Acord 2)) : see above


Casall (Holst)
Caretino (Holst)Kira XVII (Holst) - BezPr
CALETTO IIISIDORLavall I (Holst)Maltia (Holst)
Dörte M (Holst) - BezPr
Cassini I (Holst)Pretty Woman (Holst) - BezPr
Capitol I (Holst)Wisma (Holst)Lordanos (Holst)Isere (Holst) - StPr
Holsteiner Verband Vermarktungs- und Auktions GmbH
25336 Elmshorn

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Holsteiner Verband Vermarktungs- und Auktions GmbH
25336 Elmshorn

