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Sold to the highest bidder on Thursday, April 3 at 9:00 PM!
Cena na zapytanie
ID ogłoszenia: 4410451
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
Data wstawienia: 28.03.2025
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 308
jest zajeżdżony
dostępny TÜV
bezpośrednio od hodowcy
dostępny paszport
- Niemiecki
- Włoski
- Polski
- Holenderski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Angielski
Sold to the highest bidder on Thursday, April 3 at 9:00 PM! Count on me is an incredibly well-behaved and rideable 4-year-old gelding, he works very willingly and will easily be ready to start in the 4-year-old classes this year. A 4-year-old horse with extraordinary potential and with 3 good gaits, a horse that you will enjoy regardless of your ambition level. The sire was sold for 1.8 million Euros at auction as a 2-year-old, the mother, grandmother and great-grandmother are silver medal mares. A fantastic opportunity to get an exciting horse at a good price. X-ray ok and can be sent if interested. Sold to the highest bidder on Thursday, April 3 at 9:00 PM! How does the auction on Hesselhoej.dk work? * You are welcome to come and try the horse(s) that you are interested in until the end of the auction. * A deal will of course always be conditional on the horse being clinically fine. * Bids can be placed on tel. 20770708 or via mail@hesselhoej.dk until the end of the auction. * Bids are binding, please write the buyer's full name, address, phone number and email address. * If you have bid, you will be informed if there is an outbid. * If you have not bid and want to know what has been bid, you are more than welcome to contact us via mail@hesselhoej.dk or tel. 20770708

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Strona: hesselhoej-dk
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