Koń czystej krwi arabskiej Ogier 4 lat Siwa in Poznań
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+2 Zdjęcia

Son WH Justice for sale !!!

Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
ID ogłoszenia: 4178637
Data wstawienia: 17.08.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy : 779
Reklama odnotowana: 5
6.000 €
~ 27.624 zł do negocjacji
Ogłoszeniodawca standardowy
60 122
+48 (0)79... pokaż
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Więcej informacji

Koń arabski rozwinął się najprawdopodobniej z tarpana w Libii, północno-wschodniej Afryce lub Persji. Sami Arabowie nazywali tę rasę ""Kehilan"", co po arabsku znaczy czystej rasy lub pełnej krwi. Czystość linii dziedziczenia arabów pustynnych była strzeżona: wprowadzenie innej rasy było nie do pomy ... Więcej o rasie koni Koń czystej krwi arabskiej
4 lat


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  • Polski
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Evening Star ist ein Hengst mit einem außergewöhnlichen Pedigree!
Sein Vater ist der epochale WH Justice, der eine weltbekannte Linie arabischer Pferde schuf. Er wurde Vizeweltmeister, aber als Vater hat er noch viel mehr gewonnen, indem er seine Eigenschaften an viele Weltmeister wie Shanghai EA, Aj Dinar, Abha Opalina, Aja Justified, Ajman Monscione und viele, viele andere Champions weitergegeben hat. Sein Vater ist der Multichampion Magnum Psyche aus den USA, der aus dem berühmten Padron Psyche-Titelangebot stammt. Die Mutter des Hengstes Evening Star ist die Stute EL Sultana K.A., die mit einer Wertnote von 91,67 auf Schauen sehr erfolgreich war. Ihre Vollgeschwister haben auf Schauen in der ganzen Welt von sich reden gemacht und ihr bester Vollbruder, der Hengst Equiborn, hat den Titel des Vize-Weltmeisters und des Vize-Champions der USA gewonnen. Der Vater von EL Sultana K.A. ist der epochale Multi-Champion-Hengst QR Marc aus der Linie des Weltmeister-Hengstes Gazal al Shaqab. Die Mutter von EL Sultana K.A. ist die herausragende Michal-Stute Espadrilla, die Europameisterin wurde und aus der berühmtesten Champion-Linie der E-Linie stammt. Wie Sie sehen können, hat der Hengst Evening Star eine hervorragende Abstammung, einen wunderbaren Charakter und schöne Bewegungen. Der Hengst ist bereit für den Reitsport.
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Evening Star is a stallion with an exceptional pedigree!
His father is the epochal WH Justice who created his line of Arabian horses known all over the world. He won the Vice World Champion but as a sire he won much more passing on show features to many World Champions such as Shanghai EA, Aj Dinar, Abha Opalina, Aja Justified, Ajman Monscione and many, many other champions. His father is Magnum Psyche multichampion USA who comes from the famous Padron Psyche titled all-time offer. The mother of the stallion Evening Star is the mare EL Sultana K.A. who performed very well at shows gaining a score of 91.67 and her full siblings talked about shows all over the world and her best full brother stallion Equiborn won the title of Vice World Champion and Vice USA Champion. The father of EL Sultana K.A. is the epochal multichampion stallion QR Marc from the line of World Champion stallion Gazal al Shaqab. The mother of EL Sultana K.A. is the outstanding Michal mare Espadrilla who won the European Championship and comes from the most famous line of champions of the E line. As you can see, the stallion Evening Star has an outstanding ancestry, a wonderful character and beautiful movement. The stallion is ready for horse riding.
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Evening Star est un étalon au pedigree exceptionnel !
Son père est l'exceptionnel WH Justice qui a créé sa lignée de chevaux arabes connue dans le monde entier. Il a gagné le titre de Vice Champion du Monde mais en tant que père il a gagné bien plus en transmettant des caractéristiques de show à de nombreux champions du monde tels que Shanghai EA, Aj Dinar, Abha Opalina, Aja Justified, Ajman Monscione et beaucoup, beaucoup d'autres champions. Son père est Magnum Psyche multichampion USA qui provient du célèbre Padron Psyche titré all-time offer. La mère de l'étalon Evening Star est la jument EL Sultana K.A. qui s'est très bien comportée lors des concours en obtenant un score de 91,67 et ses frères et sœurs ont fait parler d'eux dans le monde entier et son meilleur frère, l'étalon Equiborn, a remporté le titre de vice-champion du monde et de vice-champion des Etats-Unis. Le père de EL Sultana K.A. est l'étalon multichampion QR Marc, issu de la lignée de l'étalon champion du monde Gazal al Shaqab, et la mère de EL Sultana K.A. est l'exceptionnelle jument Michal Espadrilla, championne d'Europe et issue de la plus célèbre lignée de champions, la lignée E. Comme vous pouvez le constater, l'étalon Evening Star a une ascendance exceptionnelle, un caractère merveilleux et un beau mouvement. L'étalon est prêt pour l'équitation.
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Evening Star è uno stallone con un pedigree eccezionale!
Suo padre è l'epocale WH Justice che ha creato una linea di cavalli arabi conosciuta in tutto il mondo. Ha vinto il titolo di Vice Campione del Mondo, ma come padre ha vinto molto di più trasmettendo le caratteristiche dello show a molti Campioni del Mondo come Shanghai EA, Aj Dinar, Abha Opalina, Aja Justified, Ajman Monscione e molti, molti altri campioni. Suo padre è Magnum Psyche, pluricampione USA, che discende dal famoso Padron Psyche, che ha il titolo di offerta di tutti i tempi. La madre dello stallone Evening Star è la cavalla EL Sultana K.A. che si è comportata molto bene alle mostre ottenendo un punteggio di 91,67 e i suoi fratelli pieni hanno fatto parlare di sé alle mostre di tutto il mondo e il suo miglior fratello pieno, lo stallone Equiborn, ha vinto il titolo di Vice Campione del Mondo e Vice Campione USA. Il padre di EL Sultana K.A. è l'epocale stallone pluricampione QR Marc, proveniente dalla linea dello stallone campione del mondo Gazal al Shaqab. La madre di EL Sultana K.A. è l'eccezionale cavalla Michal Espadrilla che ha vinto il Campionato Europeo e proviene dalla più famosa linea di campioni della linea E. Come si può vedere, lo stallone Evening Star ha un'ascendenza eccezionale, un carattere meraviglioso e un bellissimo movimento. Lo stallone è pronto per l'equitazione.
Evening Star is a stallion with an exceptional pedigree! 
His father is the epochal WH Justice who created his line of Arabian horses known all over the world. He won the Vice World Champion but as a sire he won much more passing on show features to many World Champions such as Shanghai EA, Aj Dinar, Abha Opalina, Aja Justified, Ajman Monscione and many, many other champions. His father is Magnum Psyche multichampion USA who comes from the famous Padron Psyche titled all-time offer. The mother of the stallion Evening Star is the mare EL Sultana K.A. who performed very well at shows gaining a score of 91.67 and her full siblings talked about shows all over the world and her best full brother stallion Equiborn won the title of Vice World Champion and Vice USA Champion. The father of EL Sultana K.A. is the epochal multichampion stallion QR Marc from the line of World Champion stallion Gazal al Shaqab. The mother of EL Sultana K.A. is the outstanding Michałów mare Espadrilla who won the European Championship and comes from the most famous line of champions of the E line. As you can see, the stallion Evening Star has an outstanding ancestry, a wonderful character and beautiful movement. The stallion is ready for horse riding.




60-122 Poznań, Greater Poland


Ogłoszeniodawca standardowy
60 122

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