Koń andaluzyjski Ogier 3 lat 178 cm Gniada in Teruel
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Exceptionnel top class 17.2hh 3yo PRE

Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
ID ogłoszenia: 4127690
Data wstawienia: 09.07.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy : 1170
Reklama odnotowana: 16
14.000 €
~ 64.456 zł
Kerry ORegan
V31 Listowel Irladnia
+353 (0)8... pokaż
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Więcej informacji

Pochodzące z Hiszpanii barokowe konie rasy andaluzyjskiej, które oficjalnie nazywają się Pura Raza Espanola (PRE), są uważane na całym świecie za konie szlachetne, wytrzymałe i odważne, które cenią sobie bliskość człowieka. Nazwa andaluz odnosi się do koni powstałych ze skrzyżowania z obcymi rasami ... Więcej o rasie koni Koń andaluzyjski
3 lat
178 cm
jest wszechstronny (allrounder)


  • Angielski
  • Hiszpański
  • Włoski
  • Polski
  • Szwedzki
  • Holenderski
  • Francuski
  • Niemiecki
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Wunderschöner 17,2h großer 3 jähriger Hengst der Spitzenklasse.
Außergewöhnliche Bewegungen in allen 3 Gangarten mit Eleganz und Beweglichkeit.

Wurde an der Hand vorgeführt und hat hervorragende Kommentare und Noten von den Richtern erhalten.

Er ist ein großer Junge, der außergewöhnliche Manieren hat, mit dem man alles machen kann, ein großer freundlicher Riese.

Er ist gut an andere Pferde gewöhnt, Stuten, Hengste usw., da auf Ausstellungen eine Vielzahl von Pferden herumläuft.

Gut zu handhaben auf Shows, wieder sehr manierlich.

Er wird ein Top-Top-Dressurpferd, wenn er produziert wird, ist er eine leere Leinwand für jemanden, der ihn auf und erreichen viele Dinge in der Zukunft zusammen zu nehmen.

Alles zur Verfügung, um zu sehen, wenn Sie auf dem Hof reisen können.

Standort: Teruel, Spanien. Weltweiter Versand möglich, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für ein Angebot.
Beautiful Top class 17.2hh 3 year old stallion.
Exceptional movements in all 3 gaits with elegance and agility.

Has been shown in hand and has had brilliant comments and scores from the judges.

He is a big boy who has exceptional manners to do anything with, a big friendly giant.

He is well used to other horses mares, stallions etc as at shows there is a variety of horses walking around.

Good to handle at shows, again very mannerly.

He will be a top top dressage horse when he is produced, he is a blank canvas for someone to take him on and achieve many things in the future together.

Everything available to view if you can travel to the yard.

Located in Teruel, Spain. Worldwide shipping available please contact us for a quote.
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Hermoso semental de 3 años y 17.2hh de clase superior.
Movimientos excepcionales en los 3 aires con elegancia y agilidad.

Se ha demostrado en la mano y ha tenido brillantes comentarios y puntuaciones de los jueces.

Es un gran chico que tiene modales excepcionales para hacer cualquier cosa, un gran gigante amistoso.

Él está bien acostumbrado a otros caballos yeguas, sementales, etc como en exposiciones hay una variedad de caballos caminando.

Bueno para manejar en los espectáculos, de nuevo muy educado.

Va a ser un caballo de doma superior superior cuando se produce, es un lienzo en blanco para que alguien lo tome y lograr muchas cosas en el futuro juntos.

Todo disponible para ver si se puede viajar a la yarda.

Situado en Teruel, España. Envíos a todo el mundo disponibles por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros para una cotización.
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Bellissimo stallone di 3 anni di 17,2 hl di classe superiore.
Movimenti eccezionali in tutte e 3 le andature con eleganza e agilità.

È stato mostrato in mano e ha avuto commenti e punteggi brillanti dai giudici.

È un ragazzone dalle maniere eccezionali con cui fare qualsiasi cosa, un grande gigante amichevole.

È ben abituato ad altri cavalli, cavalle, stalloni, ecc. perché alle mostre c'è una grande varietà di cavalli in giro.

È un buon soggetto da gestire durante le esposizioni, anche in questo caso molto educato.

Sarà un cavallo da dressage di alto livello quando sarà prodotto, è una tela bianca per qualcuno che lo prenda in carico e raggiunga molti obiettivi in futuro insieme.

Tutto è disponibile per la visione se si può viaggiare fino al cortile.

Situato a Teruel, Spagna. Spedizione in tutto il mondo disponibile, contattateci per un preventivo.


44001 Teruel, Aragon


Kerry ORegan
V31 Listowel
Mówimy w językach:

Więcej informacji

The founder of ‘Nagero Sport Horses’, Kerry O’Regan and her family have been involved in horses ‘for ever!’.

Kerry has been riding since the age of six and is now over 21+++! BHS and HSI qualified, Kerry has coached, taught, competed in show jumping, dressage and eventing, run yards and worked in racing for many years. Kerry still rides but rarely has time to compete anymore, although that is on the agenda time permitting. Passionate about retraining of racehorses and has always promoted their use as an all-round riding horse. She is also a registered social worker.

Emma is also BHS qualified and show jumping is her passion. Emma spent 3yrs training in 3 of Ireland’s top showjumping yards. She is great at producing young horses ready for the start of their careers. Emma has backed all of our home bred horses, from the age of 12.

Lucy has also ridden since before she could walk and is a mainstay of the business; running the yard and also uploads and edits all the photographs and graphics for the website and a million other jobs as well!

We sell for trusted vendors that we are confident describe their horses honestly. We also source horses for clients from all around the world and if we don’t have it on our lists of for sale horses then we can normally find it. We take time to make sure that horses and riders are a good fit, both for the welfare of the horse and the safety of the rider. We organise all shipping and transport for over seas buyers. We offer a bespoke service for potential purchasers and collect you from the airport and drop you back again in cases where someone doesn’t want to hire a car. Whether you buy or not we normally end up having some Irish craic!!

We now also have a stud farm in France where we are breeding Pre fusion with our Registered Irish Draught mares and our Armas line wonderful PRE stallion. Very excited about the progeny we are producing that are quality models with great brains.

If you don’t see what you want on our Horses for Sale page, still do get in touch as we have many horses on our list that we haven’t had time to upload yet. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Kerry ORegan
V31 Listowel
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