Zapamiętane 1 razy
20.000 $
~ 86.458 zł
ID ogłoszenia: 4218507
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
Data wstawienia: 18.09.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 3646
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łatwy w załadunku
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nauczony prowadzenia na kantarze
bezproblemowy przy kowalu
- Niemiecki
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- Holenderski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Angielski
WWW. CLASSICHORSEAUCTION. COM THIS HOSE IS LOCATED Tyner, KY BUY NOW PRICE: 20000 CURRENT BID: 4000 To view health docs, see consignor’s info, how to schedule a meeting to try it out, visit our site… REGISTERED KENTUCKY MOUNTAIN (classichorseauction.com) VIDEO>> https://youtu.be/aLW8IQmWvVI #202402006 BONAFIDE Introducing Bonafide, a striking nearly 2-year-old Ky Mountain stud colt with a rich Rocky Mountain background. At almost 15 hands, Bonafide stands out with his impressive lineage, though his mother’s lack of certification is the only reason he isn’t officially registered as a Rocky Mountain horse. This colt is exceptionally well-started with minimal riding due to his age, but has been gently introduced to the basics. Bonafide stands calmly for mounting, tacking, bathing, and clipping, and behaves impeccably for the farrier. He’s traffic and dog safe, has been handled daily throughout his life, and is even safe to shoot off of. Bonafide shines in rough terrain, effortlessly navigating rocks, ditches, and mountains with sure-footed confidence. Despite being a stud, he is remarkably well-mannered around other horses and doesn’t acknowledge his status. If you’re searching for a promising young horse to finish as your personal trail mount, look no further—Bonafide has everything going for him and is ready to become your next great adventure partner. Tyner, KY Emily Elgin 615-542-4564 Nationwide Shipping Assistance Available Classic Horse Auction 931-224-2968

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