Anglo European Studbook Ogier Źrebak (05/2024) Ciemnogniada in Sząbruk
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+3 Zdjęcia

Eventing colt by Duplexx/ Diarado/ Heraldik xx

Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
ID ogłoszenia: 4175751
Data wstawienia: 15.08.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy : 531
Reklama odnotowana: 3
8.500 €
~ 39.134 zł do negocjacji
Supreme Horses Natalie Wojtak
05-090 Warsaw, Masovian District Polska
+48 (0)79... pokaż
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r Zgłoś

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Źrebak (05/2024)
Anglo European Studbook (A.E.S.)
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Ten tekst został przetłumaczony automatycznie.
Prächtiges 2024er Jährlingsfohlen aus der Midnight Stud Zucht

von Duplexx / Diarado / Heraldik xx - Er war 2021 einer der Stars in Deutschland, weil er nicht nur in der Vielseitigkeit, sondern auch in Dressur und Springen erfolgreich war. Duplexx beendete seine äußerst erfolgreiche Saison 2021 als Vize-Bundeschampion der fünfjährigen Vielseitigkeitspferde.

Mehr Informationen: https://www.hengst-duplexx.de/?fbclid=IwY2xjawEqoutleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHbz1Ad6-VHwK6n4SUGtqjMOA72mbRCf8Dw-zm-vkKGz19Bu5Dv0bvUB68g_aem_4bYXP_571AiBLOmEAxdUMw

von Progresja, gezüchtet von SK Racot, von Ormuz xx (mit Nachkommen, die in der 2*-Vielseitigkeit laufen) aus der Promesa (in der 4*-Vielseitigkeit startend)
Progresja hat einen der besten "P"-Mutterstämme ihres Heimatgestüts SK Racot, speziell für Spring- und Vielseitigkeitspferde. Ihre Urgroßmutter Pirania, hat in der Generation viele CCI4* Vielseitigkeits- und Springpferde hervorgebracht.

Die Großmutter von Progression, Promesa, war für die WM qualifiziert und startete auf CCI4*-Niveau in der Vielseitigkeit.

SK Racot, ein polnisches Nationalgestüt, ist bekannt für die Zucht von Vielseitigkeitspferden wie dem CCI4*-Vielseitigkeitspferd Rosveel (Bolshoi x Rosita / Reval) unter dem Sattel von Sandra AUFFARTH für Deutschland oder dem Goldmedaillengewinner (CH-EU-J-CCI2*-L) Bon Ton unter dem Sattel von Mathies Ruder.
Beautiful and athletic colt born 2024 from the Midnight Eventing Stud

Golden Dusk is an absolute eventing future star with above 60% TB blood , bred purposely mostly for eventing also might be a great showjumping prospect. Carefully selected father and motherline with a perfect eventing and showjumping background

By Duplexx / Diarado / Heraldik xx - He was one of the stars of Germany in 2021 owing to his achievements in not only eventing but dressage and show jumping too. Duplexx finished his extremely successful 2021 season becoming the Vice-Bundeschampion for five-year-old eventing horses. In 2022 Duplexx had his first breeding year, although he was in high demand he still was still able to earn his first international placings in eventing and win the bronze medal at the Federal Championships for 6-year-old eventing horses. In 2023 he has achieved placements in both show jumping and dressage S classes. 

Duplexx's first crop of foals showed great promises for the future and achieve great results in various foal championships and foal shows.

Digging into Duplexx's pedigree his father Diarado is the sire od multiple world class eventing and showjumping horses. From Duplexx's motherline we have anothe massive eventing and showjumoing sire, world legend Herladik xx, giving anourmous amount of highest class, eventing, dressage and showjumping horses.  

Golden Dusk is out of Progresji bred by SK Racot, by Ormuz xx (TB sire giving 2* eventing offspring) out of Prognoza/Promesa (mare competing in eventing level 4*, WEG qualifier) 

Progresja has one of the best "P" damlines from her home bred stud SK Racot, specially for showjumping and eventing horses. Her great great granddam Pirania, has produced in the generation many CCI4* eventing and showjumping horses.

SK Racot, a national Polish Home Stud, known for breeding eventing horses such as, CCI4* eventer Rosveel (Bolshoi x Rosita / Reval) under the saddle of Sandra AUFFARTH for Germany, or the Gold medalist (CH-EU-J-CCI2*-L) Bon Ton under the saddle of Mathies Ruder.
Wspaniały ogierek z rocznika 2024 z hodowli Midnight Stud

po Duplexx / Diarado / Heraldik xx - He was one of the stars of Germany in 2021 owing to his achievements in not only eventing but dressage and show jumping too. Duplexx finished his extremely successful 2021 season becoming the Vice-Bundeschampion for five-year-old eventing horses.

Więcej informacji: https://www.hengst-duplexx.de/?fbclid=IwY2xjawEqoutleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHbz1Ad6-VHwK6n4SUGtqjMOA72mbRCf8Dw-zm-vkKGz19Bu5Dv0bvUB68g_aem_4bYXP_571AiBLOmEAxdUMw

od Progresji hodowla SK Racot, po Ormuz xx (dający potomstwo chodzące 2* WKKW) od Promesy (starty w 4* WKKW) 
Progresja has one of the best "P" damlines from her home bred stud SK Racot, specially for showjumping and eventing horses. Her great great granddam Pirania, has produced in the generation many CCI4* eventing and showjumping horses.

Progresja's granddam Promesa was a qualifier to the WEG and competed at a CCI4* level for eventing.

SK Racot, a national Polish Stud, known for breeding eventing horses such as, CCI4* eventer Rosveel (Bolshoi x Rosita / Reval) under the saddle of Sandra AUFFARTH for Germany, or the Gold medalist (CH-EU-J-CCI2*-L) Bon Ton under the saddle of Mathies Ruder.




Supreme Horses Natalie Wojtak
05-090 Warsaw, Masovian District

Więcej informacji

My name is Natalie Wojtak, I am an Equine sales agent, Eventer rider, Breeder, Equine artist.

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Supreme Horses Natalie Wojtak
05-090 Warsaw, Masovian District
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