Zapamiętane 2 razy
Elwood - Black Gaited Gelding
Oferta na aukcji
ID ogłoszenia: 4406708
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń aukcyjny
Data wstawienia: 28.03.2025
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 303
10 lat
142 cm
Western Pleasure
Western Pleasure
jest pewny w terenie
jest koniem o czterech chodach
- Niemiecki
- Włoski
- Polski
- Holenderski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Angielski
"AVAILABLE ON ONLINE HORSE AUCTION AT www DOT MagicHorseAuction DOT com BIDDING OPEN NOW thru TUESDAY | APRIL 1ST - BUY IT NOW AVAILABLE! *Final price will be determined on auction site* CONSIGNOR CONTACT INFO: Oly Edmiston 970-556-4820 LOCATION: Nunn, CO Elwood is a 10 year old,14.2 hand black gaited gelding. This guy is as easy going as they come... both to be around and ride. He's kind, willing and smooth in all gaits. He does neck rein. Elwood has the disposition of a pleaser. Elwood is quiet on the trail. He will lead or follow. He has traversed all kinds of obstacles including bridges, rivers, downfall, rough mountain terrains. Elwood is very sensible and does not spook. Elwood has been ridden by some of our younger riders and he has taken care of them. He's easy to saddle and good with his feet. He has been sound and requires no special maintenance. He comes current on vaccinations, coggins and deworming. Shipping is available. Call for more information or to set up a time to see him at home near Nunn, CO: 970-556-4820."

Strona: magic-horse
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