American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat Jelenia in Hardinsburg IN



Zapamiętane 3 razy

Go to www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com

3.500 $
~ 15.130 zł
Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299 Stany Zjednoczone



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Więcej informacji

American Quarter Horse, nazywany również Quarter Horse, pochodzi z USA i jest najbardziej rozpowszechnioną rasą koni na świecie. Na całym świecie zarejestrowanych jest około 4,6 miliona Quarter Horse’ów. Rasa powstała w XVII wieku, kiedy bogaci plantatorzy z Wirginii i Karoliny postanowili dohodować ... Więcej o rasie koni American Quarter Horse
7 lat
Versatility Ranch Horse


  • Niemiecki
  • Włoski
  • Polski
  • Holenderski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Angielski
Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends March 17th, 2024
Check out White Rock Custom Saddles on Facebook
Ever had a pony as handy as a left shirt pocket? Simba is a 2018 quarter pony gelding standing 13.1h and he is a beautiful Carmel Buckskin/Dun color. Don’t let his size fool you, he has got all the heart, courage, grit, talent, and personality of a big horse and then some! Simba is a do it all kind of guy. He is finished on the heel side, has started to breakaway, has been started on the barrel pattern, will ride English and is started over fences, is a rockstar at the local ranch horse show, he has sorted, doctored, gathered cattle and despite his size has drug 1000lb+ bulls on to trailers. Little Simba can do it all and enjoys every minute. Simba would be a great partner for almost anyone but we think he would be a perfect junior rodeo horse for that kid who is ready for a step up and who wants to win. On the other hand, if you’re just sick and tired of climbing up on a big horse and want something fun sized and truly broke to enjoy, he will fit your bill as well. In the arena Simba has a great working walk and trot and a very smooth lope, all with easy transitions. He is very well broke through his body and moves off your seat and leg effortlessly. He has a true one hand neck rein, and will side pass and pivot with ease. Simba is well accustomed to riding in the wide open and down the trail as well. He easily keeps up with the big horses and is not looky or spooky. He quietly steps over big logs, crosses water with no issue, and bulldozes through steep, rocky, difficult trail passes. He does not care to lead or follow or to go out alone or with a group. He will stand tied quietly to the trailer or tie rail all day like a gentleman. In the barn Simba is quiet and very well mannered. He ties or crossties quietly and stands well to be groomed, tacked, and bathed. He turns out in a small mixed herd of 4 other horses and gets along well with everyone and absolutely loves to play with his pasture mates. He is easy to catch as well. Simba has ranch horse work ethic with a heart horse personality and would make a great addition to anyone’s barn and family. If you have any questions about Simba or would like to set up a time to meet him, please reach out to A&A Farms Alex 815-674-1026. Located in Hardinsburg, IN.
Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends March 17th, 2024
Check out White Rock Custom Saddles on Facebook


Hardinsburg IN 55555
Stany Zjednoczone

Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
Stany Zjednoczone

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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
Stany Zjednoczone

