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3.500 $
~ 15.130 zł
Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299 Stany Zjednoczone



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American Quarter Horse, nazywany również Quarter Horse, pochodzi z USA i jest najbardziej rozpowszechnioną rasą koni na świecie. Na całym świecie zarejestrowanych jest około 4,6 miliona Quarter Horse’ów. Rasa powstała w XVII wieku, kiedy bogaci plantatorzy z Wirginii i Karoliny postanowili dohodować ... Więcej o rasie koni American Quarter Horse
7 lat
155 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse


  • Niemiecki
  • Włoski
  • Polski
  • Holenderski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Angielski
Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends March 16th, 2025
Need a new saddle? Check out White Rock Saddles on our website or Facebook!
CP Hollywood Jackpot aka Hollywood is one you do not want to miss! The definition of Gentle and Gorgeous! He stands at 15.1 hands tall has a pretty gray color, long mane and tail make you feel like he’s been pulled right out of a fairytale book. Hollywood makes a statement everywhere he goes! Not only is he stunning, but he checks all the other boxes too! Hollywood is super easy going and wants to always be a good boy, He also has some cool tricks up his sleeve like laying down when asked! Hollywood is the first horse to meet you at the gate to be caught and stands completely still while you put the halter on. He loves any attention he can get. This gelding is everyone’s favorite out here at the barn because he is truly a dream to ride. Hollywood is great out on the ranch, He is naturally cowy and good in the sorting pens and gathering cattle out of big pastures. He ties good, side passes to all the gates and can pull a semi truck if you roped it. Hollywood is a trooper out on the trails and is confident alone, will lead a group, or happily trail behind. He goes where you point him and doesn’t say no. He’s accustomed to lots of wild life, crazy dogs, pigs, camels, buffalo, and cattle. Blowing tarps, loud gunfire, busy traffic, and heavy machinery do not phase him either. Hollywood will literally walk through fire for you! There isn’t anything this gelding can’t handle! This gelding loves baths and loves when all the kids around the ranch groom him & loves eating the cookies right out of their hands. Hollywood has a big personality and is a fun horse to have around the barn. Located in Post Oak Bend City, TX. Call Canyon Creek Ranch Rachel 805-453-3410 with any questions.
Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends March 16th, 2025
Need a new saddle? Check out White Rock Saddles on our website or Facebook!


Post Oak Bend City Tx 55555
Stany Zjednoczone

Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
Stany Zjednoczone

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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
Stany Zjednoczone

