American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD
American Quarter Horse Wałach 7 lat 152 cm Jelenia in Canistota, SD



Zapamiętane 5 razy

STEPPIN VOODOO 7 Yr old 15hh Buckskin AQHA Gelding

Oferta na aukcji
Needmore, PA 17238 Stany Zjednoczone
+1 (0)717... pokaż



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Więcej informacji

American Quarter Horse, nazywany również Quarter Horse, pochodzi z USA i jest najbardziej rozpowszechnioną rasą koni na świecie. Na całym świecie zarejestrowanych jest około 4,6 miliona Quarter Horse’ów. Rasa powstała w XVII wieku, kiedy bogaci plantatorzy z Wirginii i Karoliny postanowili dohodować ... Więcej o rasie koni American Quarter Horse
7 lat
152 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse

jest koniem do towarzystwa (ograniczona użytkowość)

nadaje się jako koń szkółkowy

jest pewny w terenie

jest wszechstronny (allrounder)


  • Niemiecki
  • Włoski
  • Polski
  • Holenderski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Angielski
♦️ THE AMERICAN FALL CLASSIC ♦️ Happening now thru MONDAY | NOVEMBER 4th - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website!

For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com

CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Lynch Performance, LLC 605-777-5883
LOCATION: Canistota, SD
COLOR: Buckskin
AGE: 7
GENDER: Gelding

In the horse industry, we all search high and low for THE horse. The one that is pretty, the one that is fancy, the one that is safe, the one that is kind, the one that is perfect. Well, we are incredibly proud to say that we have him. “Moonshine” is the epitome of the perfect horse. Let’s start with the pretty part... We have all seen how perfect the sky is at golden hour- just before sunset. Add a buttermilk buckskin to that golden hour light and you have the most majestic view. Moonshine has the beautiful buckskin color with a black mane, tail, and legs. To top off the beautiful color he has an exquisite head with a small star and that kind, loving eye we all look for in a horse.

Under all that color is blood infused with talent. Moonshine is an own son of the great Shiners Voodoo Dr- a $4 million sire. He is out of a daughter of NRHA’s #1 living producing sire of all time: Wimpys Little Step- $14 million sire. This gelding has talent and trainability in his bones. Moonshine himself has won over $2,000 in the show pen. He has incredible transitions and EASY lead changes. One can barely feel him change leads, he is so smooth! Moonshine embodies the perfect combination of reining and ranch riding skills. From his slow to extended trot, spins, and stops this guy can do it all fast or slow.

The training this horse has makes every other task easy. When out on a trail it is incredibly important to have the tools (broke-ness) in your tool box for anything unexpected. One will not have to worry of a new obstacle, scary animal, or objects with Moonshine. Not only is he not spooky, but he also has the responsiveness in the bridle and of your leg cues to always stay controlled in new environments. Moonshine will cross streams and go into large bodies of water for that afternoon swim. He has no preference of being in the front, middle, or back in a group on the trails. Moonshine is traffic safe- we live on a busy highway and ride him through the ditch daily.

So he is very trained in the arena and can trail ride... What else, you may ask? Well, Moonshine is seasoned in the ranch chores as well. He will hold a rope while you doctor one, run one down in the field, and sort them off in a tight alleyway. Moonshine has also been headed and heeled on in the team roping and could easily excel in that career. If you are not familiar with cattle and ranch chores, one should know that things can go sideways pretty easily. Therefore, it takes the right mind in a horse to be able to handle those situations and become a genuine partner with chores.

Moonshine is absolutely safe and easy to pilot for ANY age or size rider. He is trained to lay down not only from a cue while mounted, but also on the ground. If you are needing to get on a little quicker one can cue him to side-pass to any obstacle to mount! Both of these “tricks” were incredibly easy for Moonshine to learn and can easily be taught to his new rider. Moonshine is going to be your farrier’s favorite horse to visit as he barely moves a muscle while shoeing.

We fully encourage you to come try Moonshine out in person to truly understand how incredible he is. We have a large outdoor arena, cattle, and trail riding available. This unique gelding is 100% sound and stands a stout 15 hh. One is not only getting a new horse when they work with us, but a partnership. We will absolutely help you in any way we can even after you take Moonshine home. For any questions at all, be sure to call Brianna 605-777-5883 or Jared 605-212-8917.



Needmore, PA 17238
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Strona: horsebidllc

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Needmore, PA 17238
Stany Zjednoczone

