Zapamiętane 2 razy
Registered Quarter Horse Trail Ranch Gelding
Cena na zapytanie
ID ogłoszenia: 4349878
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
Data wstawienia: 30.01.2025
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 886
jest zajeżdżony
jest lonżowany
pracuje z ziemi
jest pewny w terenie
łatwy w załadunku
dostępny TÜV
bezproblemowy przy kowalu
- Niemiecki
- Włoski
- Polski
- Holenderski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Angielski
OPEN BIDDING ON THEHORSEBAY,COM. SALE ENDS ON 02/12. More information is available on the website, including an UTD vet inspection, Coggins, video, images, and the owner's contact information to ask questions, request information, or make arrangements to come to visit. Mr. Royal Peppy is a well-built Chestnut Gelding. He is standing around 15hh and is a 2018 Model Registered AQHA Gelding. Peppy can go out and hit the trails and just cruise along, handling any obstacle in his way… He rides with confidence and no hesitation. He has been exposed to all kinds of wildlife. He will go up or down steep slopes, across deep creeks, over downed trees, and all types of rough terrain while still being sure-footed. He has been ridden through town, is safe in traffic, and is not spooky. He has been started on the roping dummy and is doing a good job tracking it. He knows his way around the ranch and has plenty of cow sense. We have taken him on several cow-catching jobs and roped cows and big bulls on him. He will work the rope while you tie one down and knows how to help you get the job done. He has a smooth jog, a nice lope, a good stop, turns a circle both ways, and backs with ease! Peppy is an excellent horse for anything from trail to ranch work and is a pleasure to be around!

Strona: thehorsebay
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