Zapamiętane 6 razy
NUGGET 5 Yr old 14.2hh Palomino AQHA Gelding
Oferta na aukcji
ID ogłoszenia: 4365835
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń aukcyjny
Data wstawienia: 24.02.2025
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 943
5 lat
147 cm
jest koniem do towarzystwa (ograniczona użytkowość)
jest pewny w terenie
jest wszechstronny (allrounder)
- Niemiecki
- Włoski
- Polski
- Holenderski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Angielski
♦️ THE DIAMOND SHOWCASE ♦️ Happening now thru MONDAY | FEBRUARY 24TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Rachel Sanders 805-453-3410 LOCATION: Cairo Georgia BREED: Quarter Horse REGISTERED: Yes REGISTERED NAME: Lenas Steppin Doc COLOR: Palomino HEIGHT: 14.2 AGE: 5 GENDER: Gelding I’m gonna show you a fancy gelding anyone can ride! Nugget is safe for the whole family and has a kind disposition. He is gentle, gentle! Standing at 14.2 hands tall, Nugget is just the right size horse, not too big not too small! Nugget is 4 years old, and has his whole life ahead of him! Nugget is easy to catch and doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He is an in your pocket type gelding! He is 100% sane and safe! He rides bareback like a champ and doesn’t mind for you to just hop on and take a ride. He is a solid and smooth trail horse. He doesn’t spook or get scared. You can take him anywhere on the trails and be satisfied. Nugget will cross water, bridges, logs and any other terrain you might come across. Nugget came off a big ranch in Missouri . He has seen and covered lots of land! Nugget walks, trots, and lopes both way with ease! He has a nice smooth lope making him enjoyable to ride! There isn’t anything Nugget isn’t willing to do. He is respectful on the ground and while you’re on him. He loads and hauls like a dream. If you’re looking for a perfect gelding for the entire family make sure to check out Nugget!

Strona: horsebidllc
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