
Zapamiętane 4 razy

Online Auction, Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com

3.500 $
~ 15.130 zł
Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299 Stany Zjednoczone



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Więcej informacji

American Quarter Horse, nazywany również Quarter Horse, pochodzi z USA i jest najbardziej rozpowszechnioną rasą koni na świecie. Na całym świecie zarejestrowanych jest około 4,6 miliona Quarter Horse’ów. Rasa powstała w XVII wieku, kiedy bogaci plantatorzy z Wirginii i Karoliny postanowili dohodować ... Więcej o rasie koni American Quarter Horse
14 lat
155 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse


  • Niemiecki
  • Włoski
  • Polski
  • Holenderski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Angielski
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Starting Bid $3500
Auction Ends Feb 12th
Rambo is a 12 year old crossbred gelding stands 15.1-15.2 hands tall and is built like a brick house, he has nice conformation and is barefoot and sound in every way! Rambo both rides and drives (single or double)! He will ride english/western out on the trail or in the arena, he also drives both single or double. Under saddle Rambo is a BLAST and nicely broke, he moves off light leg and has three beautiful gaits, he will slow trot or extend it out and well as canter transitions, he easily takes both leads and he has a nice stop. He will trot poles and take a cross rail and jump logs and trees on trail. He is ready to work and enjoys being out in the arena or on the trails- he is not your typical lazy draft cross! Rambo is a trail boss and will go over and through anything you point him at. He will negotiate rough terrain, trail blaze, takes the lead or will follow behind. He is good with other horses riding behind or beside him and will willingly go out alone as well. He has been around traffic, equipment and dogs with no issues. Rambo is quiet single ties or on cross ties, stands to be groomed/bathed/clipped and tacked up. He is also polite for vet and farrier and good overall ground manners from saddling and harnessing to handling his feet etc. Rambo loads into any style trailer and hauls quietly, he off loads in new places quietly and doesn’t need to be lunged or ridden down. Rambo is patient when in a stall and is good in turnout. I have used him for lesson program and my students all enjoyed their rides on him from kids to adults! Rambo sells sound without limitations or vices.
If you’re interested in meeting Rambo please give us a call to set something up that works best for everyone. As always vet exams are welcomed at the perspective buyers expense. If you need help arranging transportation we can connect you to some of the haulers we have used and recommend. Located in Everett, PA. Call Benny Hall 814-979-2046.
Place your bids at
Starting Bid $3500
Auction Ends Feb 12th


Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
Stany Zjednoczone

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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
Stany Zjednoczone

