American Quarter Horse Wałach 10 lat 124 cm Gniada in Parkers Lake, KY
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12.1H, Ranch/Trail Pony, Online Auction!

Typ ogłoszenia: Koń na sprzedaż
ID ogłoszenia: 4136481
Data wstawienia: 15.07.2024
Wyświetlenia reklamy : 797
Reklama odnotowana: 1
3.500 $
~ 15.130 zł
Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299 Stany Zjednoczone
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Więcej informacji

American Quarter Horse, nazywany również Quarter Horse, pochodzi z USA i jest najbardziej rozpowszechnioną rasą koni na świecie. Na całym świecie zarejestrowanych jest około 4,6 miliona Quarter Horse’ów. Rasa powstała w XVII wieku, kiedy bogaci plantatorzy z Wirginii i Karoliny postanowili dohodować ... Więcej o rasie koni American Quarter Horse
10 lat
124 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse


  • Niemiecki
  • Włoski
  • Polski
  • Szwedzki
  • Holenderski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Angielski
Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends July 28th, 2024
Need a new saddle? Check out White Rock Saddles on our website or Facebook!
Everyone meet JoJo. JoJo is a 10 year old sharp little bay and white tobiano pony gelding standing 12:1 hands tall! JoJo has spent all of his life in the hills of Tennessee being ridden by the children. I purchased JoJo off a really good friend of mine and his children had outgrew him. But don’t let his size fool you, he has a heart the size of Texas! In the mean time JoJo has been my 6 year old nephews main trail mount all summer. We have ridden him all over the big south fork where he has seen steep hills and deep creeks. He watches where he’s going and doesn’t get in a hurry. He crosses creeks, logs and ditches with ease. He has a nice smooth walk, trot, and short lope and rides around like daddies big horse! JoJo is a good step-up horse for the kids that have own-grown their “pedal ponies”. He stands to be tacked up and mounted. He stands like a statue for the farrier. He loads, hauls and bathes like he’s supposed to. If you’re looking for a step up pony for your children, don’t hesitate to give me a call about JoJo! Call Trevor Patrick 606-516-8069 Located in Parkers Lake, KY.
Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends July 28th, 2024
Need a new saddle? Check out White Rock Saddles on our website or Facebook!


Parkers Lake, KY 55555
Stany Zjednoczone


Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
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