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Suki - Perfect confidence-builder for beginners!
Oferta na aukcji
ID ogłoszenia: 4390444
Typ ogłoszenia: Koń aukcyjny
Data wstawienia: 09.03.2025
Wyświetlenia reklamy: 129
nadaje się dla początkujących
jest pewny w terenie
nadaje się dla dzieci
- Niemiecki
- Włoski
- Polski
- Holenderski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Angielski
"AVAILABLE ON ONLINE HORSE AUCTION AT www DOT MagicHorseAuction DOT com BIDDING OPEN NOW thru TUESDAY | MARCH 18th...BUY IT NOW AVAILABLE!! *Final price will be determined on auction site* CONSIGNOR CONTACT INFO: Dynamite Horses 970-632-3644 LOCATION: Fort Collins, CO Meet Suki – The Total Package! Suki is an 11-year-old mare built like a tank, with exceptional conformation and a stunningly thick, flowing mane and tail. The first words that come to mind when describing Suki are safe and beautiful! She’s the perfect confidence-builder for beginners and inexperienced riders, offering a fun, safe, and enjoyable experience in and out of the arena. Suki is incredibly versatile—she goes English, Western, and bareback with ease! She looks absolutely adorable in English tack, has an impressive, scopey jump, and always gives her best effort. She knows her leads, understands collection, and has a smooth, rocking-horse lope that’s as comfortable as it is effortless. Plus, she stops beautifully off voice and seat cues. Suki has been exposed to just about everything—she’s been ridden in town around heavy traffic and bikes, taken through the drive-thru, and even ridden bareback in just a halter around our property. She’s been roped off of, carried flags, dragged logs, and worked around tarps and other “scary” objects without a single worry. Nothing rattles this girl! She’s an absolute joy to be around—easy to catch, great for the farrier and vet, loads and unloads like a pro, and is an all-around easy keeper. Whether you’re looking for a safe partner to build confidence or a fun, versatile horse to do it all, Suki is the one!"

Strona: magic-horse
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